Sunday, March 11, 2012

As the Days Go By...

So I realized that I only have 6 weekends left to be here.
Where did the time go?
I can't believe that February is finished and we are well into March. Mind boggling.

Not any exciting adventures lately, just the usual.
Classes this week were good. Two of them were labs, which means no real work. :)
Our microfabrication one was coolest. Here a pic of the things we made through silicon micromachining and soft lithography techniques.
(the clear polymer is from a soft lithography technique, the Silicon wafer is from a photolithography technique)

I decided my hair was getting pathetic, so to look for blonde hair bleach. You would think it would be easy in Asia with all their crazy hairdos, but you never see them with straight up bleached hair. Sooo, I had to settle for this men's hair bleach witht eh box covered in chinese characters and an anime picture on the front. I mix up the bleach concoction, and getttttt:
Oh dear.
But I paid for it, so might as well try it.
Thank the dear Lord Jesus, my hair did just get bleached normally, no green hair.
So that was a surprising success.

On a further note, I woke up this more, noticing a very lively Mr. Wong in the fish bowl.
Went for a run, came back, and there was a very non-lively Mr. Wong lying at the bottom of the bowl.
Proof that we cannot all live forever (like I will). Depressing conclusion for the rest of you out there.
Danika and I decided to microfabricate the poor fell a tomb stone. He meant quite a lot to us.
Let us hope he is not like a Voodoo fish for the real Mr. Wong.... o.O

Monday, March 5, 2012


So you think to yourself, "I want a specific something. Where to get it?"

In Hong Kong, there is one simple answer for that.

A street market. For that specific item.

No joke. That's how it works in Hong Kong. The number of markets they have is off the walls.

Proof: The Night Market, The Lady's Market, The Jade Market, The Flower Market, The Electronics Market...anddd the Gold Fish Market.

So Danika and I said to ourselves today, "I want a fish. Where do I get it?"

So where do you think we meandered off to today? The Goldfish Market of course!!
And it was pretty baller.

(one of the 20+ stalls selling fish)

(these ones were also really cool)

(You can buy tinsy turtles here for like $2!! That size is illegal in the US)

(regular market one street over from the Goldfish Market)

(best selection of kids clothes ever)

(who needs directions anyways...)


Our fish are so cool!! They are completely see-thru so you can see all their tiny bones. Except for a colorful  neon stripe down their backs. We named them things to do with our adventures here in Hong Kong.
Yellow = Dumpling
Orange 1 = Cebu (from the city in the Philippines)
Orange 2 = MJ (because there are about 15 people here we call MJ)
Pink = Victoria (from Victoria Harbour where I run every morning)
Purple = Taro (like the purple root that they eat like it's their job)
Green = Mr. Wong (that crazy awesome lunatic...)

Let's hope they don't die too soon.
On the other hand, this conversation did go down between us and a saleslady:
"How long will these fish live without a filter?"
"2 months"
What?? We can't bring them home with us....

Finally get them in their bowl, and none have died yet! Success! We got a random asian to read us the instructions :)

(look at their see-thru bodies!!)


They are so awesome....

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hold Yerrrr Horses

I went to my first ever horse races today in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has 2 tracks, and I guess horse racing is a pretty big deal, so I figured it would be a cool thing to go see.

And it actually was really cool! Danika and Tristan were very tactical about their betting. I was just rooting for the prettiest horses (I don't bet). There were some pretty fine looking steeds. I decided that if I ever got rich and bought a horse, I would get an all white one and sew on one straight antler so it looked like a unicorn.

(right outside the racecourse)


(here they come!!!)


(she's a nutcase :P)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Malaysian Night

Things are moving along since coming back to the real world and classes and stufffff.

The student halls had Malaysian Night tonight. Just means free food and entertainment, so Danika and I went down to check it out.

I've gotta give PolyU students credit. They may have no lives outside of school, but they do one hell of a job with their extracurriculars.

(real Malaysian stuff...and Mancala!!!)

(this was artwork on the ground made from colored rice. Insane.)

(lots and lots of food. Some delicious. Some not so much. But all of it was much better than Chinese food.)

(haha they had a bunch of face cutout things everywhere)

I think I may want to go to Malaysia for my Easter Break. The last trip I will be making in Asia, possibly for the rest of my life. We shall see.